Friday, July 22, 2005


I ran across some further evidence that the baby boomers, as they age, continue to look out for number one. On Wednesday, USA Today (sorry but Star was sold out) reported on the scant interest of major drug companies in developing pediatric therapies. Kids are not a market they pursue eagerly. The seniors have the bucks and are willing to spend them on exorbitantly priced medicines and treatments. Still trying to buy longevity...

I spotted another bird yesterday evening in the patch of yard behind the rectory. I am amazed at the diversity of our urban ecosystem. I saw, very close up, a northern flicker! Can you dig it? This is an inner city parish. A card carrying woodpecker right here in dumpsville! I'm going to have to get the Discovery Channel up here.

Finally, if you want to see the work of a VERY good photographer, check out Sharad Haksar's website. It's only a small sample of his portfolio, but you'll definitely get the hang of his thang. I especially like his Nike and Master Card photos...

I read on the Al Jazeera site that he's being sued by Coca Cola India (he once did their publicity) for putting up a billboard with a picture of unfilled water jugs by an empty well against the backdrop of a wall brightly painted with the logo: "Drink Coca Cola". Nothing like a little well targeted irony to piss off big business.
