I spotted another bird yesterday evening in the patch of yard behind the rectory. I am amazed at the diversity of our urban ecosystem. I saw, very close up, a northern flicker! Can you dig it? This is an inner city parish. A card carrying woodpecker right here in dumpsville! I'm going to have to get the Discovery Channel up here.
Finally, if you want to see the work of a VERY good photographer, check out Sharad Haksar's website. It's only a small sample of his portfolio, but you'll definitely get the hang of his thang. I especially like his Nike and Master Card photos...
I read on the Al Jazeera site that he's being sued by Coca Cola India (he once did their publicity) for putting up a billboard with a picture of unfilled water jugs by an empty well against the backdrop of a wall brightly painted with the logo: "Drink Coca Cola". Nothing like a little well targeted irony to piss off big business.